Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lets go shopping for a ...religion ?

Man seek the purpose of life ,

Man seek the union of God,

But are faced with a broad selections

Man need to choose ,

but which one holds the truth ?

Man is already confuse And yet he has to choose…

in state of confusion. He is faced with a bigger problem ,

To choose from one thousand emblem

Of different sect, school in one religion…

Ah why do we have so many variation ?

For we know what is the essence .

Throw away ritual and primitive system,

As all this will give the poor man more problem ,

Just more confuse than before he shop for thy religion

For the life is beautiful in pure and simply benevolence…..

- keny ( Feb 2004 )

Human = cruel freedom snatcher...

I dunno why , perhaps I am a little odd ..perhaps I feel that the animals are trying to communicate with me ...I hear them scream ... I hear them cry and I hear them pleading for their life - a boring life or maybe slavery actually.

I believe the practice of human using animals to be their pets had started since time immemorial ...but due to the advance in technology and science and explosion of new age - human taste has also become more sophisticated ...nowadays not only traditionally domesticated animals are being used as so called Pets but even wild animals joined the bandwagon.

My first question is " Have the human race ever , ever ask the permission from the animals if they can take them or BUY them off the shelf as pet ? Have they asked the animal if they like being caged and be at the mercy of the so called owner ? have they ask themselves if what they are doing is humane and moral ? I guess average human being would not even think of this ....perhaps it has become some form of culture in almost every countries. ...perhaps...we have, over time . categorise animal as a being created by god, but does not have rights, freedom or choice . We human, fought for human rights and freedom in many so many corners of the world and yet every single day we take away the freedom of those animals. Human being can be so forgetful indeed.

They can give the regular lame excuse of " well, I am sure I can provide better food and accomodation " to those animals. But may I ask them , what is life without freedom ? Or are they willing to swap place with those pets ? I hope that if you are a pet owner, please try to think of this rationally and in a humane way. Your dogs or cats may be wagging their tails..but can you communicate with them ? can you ask them if this is the life they want ?

Another example of human being taking advantage of animals is shows, performance or circus involving animals or marine life. The excuse of education is primitive. Why can human visit those animals in the jungles ? Why do we have to force the seals , dolphins, otters, lions, tigers, elephants, horses and many more to do those tricks to make us laugh ? Are we human so lack of entertainment ? Do we not have better ways to teach our children ? This is the case of animal exploitation ...this is the case of human forgeting the very cause that they are fighting for themselves - most got it now SO they forgot and start snatching it away from animals..Shame on each of us ...shame on us for bringing our children along and teaching them that it is fine to cage animals, take away their life and freedom and force them to perform and entertain us....

Perhaps I might be wrong ...but what do you think ?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why I decided to blog ?

Having your own blog has been something which I have parked aside for a while ...i dunno why I decided to do it today .....perhaps it is the strong emotions due to the recent phenomenal election result

...perhaps the voice in my heart has been waiting too long... perhaps I want to share my feelings, my thoughts .... as a Malaysian , as a work class citizen and most importantly as a human with... soul and conscience..and to make a a simple way ...but what does simplicity means to me ?

~ making simple things complicated is commonplace , making complicated things simple is awesome ~

~ there is elegance in simplicity ~

~ old houses in Penang ..